Troubleshooting Fluent Bit

Fluent Bit logo

The following sections help you troubleshoot the Fluent Bit component of the Logging operator.

Check the Fluent Bit daemonset

Verify that the Fluent Bit daemonset is available. Issue the following command: kubectl get daemonsets The output should include a Fluent Bit daemonset, for example:

logging-demo-fluentbit   1         1         1       1            1           <none>          110s

Check the Fluent Bit configuration

You can display the current configuration of the Fluent Bit daemonset using the following command: kubectl get secret logging-demo-fluentbit -o jsonpath="{.data['fluent-bit\.conf']}" | base64 --decode

The output looks like the following:

    Flush        1
    Daemon       Off
    Log_Level    info
    Parsers_File parsers.conf
    storage.path  /buffers

    Name         tail
    DB  /tail-db/tail-containers-state.db
    Mem_Buf_Limit  5MB
    Parser  docker
    Path  /var/log/containers/*.log
    Refresh_Interval  5
    Skip_Long_Lines  On
    Tag  kubernetes.*

    Name        kubernetes
    Kube_CA_File  /var/run/secrets/
    Kube_Tag_Prefix  kubernetes.var.log.containers
    Kube_Token_File  /var/run/secrets/
    Kube_URL  https://kubernetes.default.svc:443
    Match  kubernetes.*
    Merge_Log  On

    Name          forward
    Match         *
    Host          logging-demo-fluentd.logging.svc
    Port          24240

    tls           On
    tls.verify    Off
    tls.ca_file   /fluent-bit/tls/ca.crt
    tls.crt_file  /fluent-bit/tls/tls.crt
    tls.key_file  /fluent-bit/tls/tls.key
    Shared_Key    Kamk2_SukuWenk
    Retry_Limit   False

Debug version of the fluentbit container

All Fluent Bit image tags have a debug version marked with the -debug suffix. You can install this debug version using the following command: kubectl edit logging-demo

      pullPolicy: Always
      repository: fluent/fluent-bit
      tag: 1.3.2-debug

After deploying the debug version, you can kubectl exec into the pod using sh and look around. For example: kubectl exec -it logging-demo-fluentbit-778zg sh

Check the queued log messages

You can check the buffer directory if Fluent Bit is configured to buffer queued log messages to disk instead of in memory. (You can configure it through the InputTail fluentbit config, by setting the storage.type field to filesystem.)

kubectl exec -it logging-demo-fluentbit-9dpzg ls /buffers

Getting Support

If you encounter any problems that the documentation does not address, file an issue or talk to us on Discord or Slack.

Commercial support is also available for the Logging operator.

Before asking for help, prepare the following information to make troubleshooting faster:

Do not forget to remove any sensitive information (for example, passwords and private keys) before sharing.