
Datadog output plugin for Fluentd


It mainly contains a proper JSON formatter and a socket handler that streams logs directly to Datadog - so no need to use a log shipper if you don’t wan’t to. More info at


    api_key '<YOUR_API_KEY>'
    dd_source: '<INTEGRATION_NAME>'
    dd_tags: '<KEY1:VALUE1>,<KEY2:VALUE2>'
    dd_sourcecategory: '<YOUR_SOURCE_CATEGORY>'


Output Config

api_key (*secret.Secret, required)

This parameter is required in order to authenticate your fluent agent. +docLink:“Secret,../secret/”

Default: nil

use_json (bool, optional)

Event format, if true, the event is sent in json format. Othwerwise, in plain text.

Default: true

include_tag_key (bool, optional)

Automatically include the Fluentd tag in the record.

Default: false

tag_key (string, optional)

Where to store the Fluentd tag.

Default: “tag”

timestamp_key (string, optional)

Name of the attribute which will contain timestamp of the log event. If nil, timestamp attribute is not added.

Default: “@timestamp”

use_ssl (bool, optional)

If true, the agent initializes a secure connection to Datadog. In clear TCP otherwise.

Default: true

no_ssl_validation (bool, optional)

Disable SSL validation (useful for proxy forwarding)

Default: false

ssl_port (string, optional)

Port used to send logs over a SSL encrypted connection to Datadog. If use_http is disabled, use 10516 for the US region and 443 for the EU region.

Default: “443”

max_retries (string, optional)

The number of retries before the output plugin stops. Set to -1 for unlimited retries

Default: “-1”

max_backoff (string, optional)

The maximum time waited between each retry in seconds

Default: “30”

use_http (bool, optional)

Enable HTTP forwarding. If you disable it, make sure to change the port to 10514 or ssl_port to 10516

Default: true

use_compression (bool, optional)

Enable log compression for HTTP

Default: true

compression_level (string, optional)

Set the log compression level for HTTP (1 to 9, 9 being the best ratio)

Default: “6”

dd_source (string, optional)

This tells Datadog what integration it is

Default: nil

dd_sourcecategory (string, optional)

Multiple value attribute. Can be used to refine the source attribute

Default: nil

dd_tags (string, optional)

Custom tags with the following format “key1:value1, key2:value2”

Default: nil

dd_hostname (string, optional)

Used by Datadog to identify the host submitting the logs.

Default: “hostname -f”

service (string, optional)

Used by Datadog to correlate between logs, traces and metrics.

Default: nil

port (string, optional)

Proxy port when logs are not directly forwarded to Datadog and ssl is not used

Default: “80”

host (string, optional)

Proxy endpoint when logs are not directly forwarded to Datadog

Default: “”

buffer (*Buffer, optional)


Default: -

slow_flush_log_threshold (string, optional)

The threshold for chunk flush performance check. Parameter type is float, not time, default: 20.0 (seconds) If chunk flush takes longer time than this threshold, fluentd logs warning message and increases metric fluentd_output_status_slow_flush_count.

Default: -