

LoggingSpec defines the desired state of Logging

loggingRef (string, optional)

Reference to the logging system. Each of the loggingRefs can manage a fluentbit daemonset and a fluentd statefulset.

Default: -

flowConfigCheckDisabled (bool, optional)

Disable configuration check before applying new fluentd configuration.

Default: -

skipInvalidResources (bool, optional)

Whether to skip invalid Flow and ClusterFlow resources

Default: -

flowConfigOverride (string, optional)

Override generated config. This is a raw configuration string for troubleshooting purposes.

Default: -

fluentbit (*FluentbitSpec, optional)

FluentbitAgent daemonset configuration. Deprecated, will be removed with next major version Migrate to the standalone NodeAgent resource

Default: -

fluentd (*FluentdSpec, optional)

Fluentd statefulset configuration

Default: -

syslogNG (*SyslogNGSpec, optional)

Syslog-NG statefulset configuration

Default: -

defaultFlow (*DefaultFlowSpec, optional)

Default flow for unmatched logs. This Flow configuration collects all logs that didn’t matched any other Flow.

Default: -

errorOutputRef (string, optional)

GlobalOutput name to flush ERROR events to

Default: -

globalFilters ([]Filter, optional)

Global filters to apply on logs before any match or filter mechanism.

Default: -

watchNamespaces ([]string, optional)

Limit namespaces to watch Flow and Output custom resources.

Default: -

clusterDomain (*string, optional)

Cluster domain name to be used when templating URLs to services .

Default: “cluster.local”

controlNamespace (string, required)

Namespace for cluster wide configuration resources like ClusterFlow and ClusterOutput. This should be a protected namespace from regular users. Resources like fluentbit and fluentd will run in this namespace as well.

Default: -

allowClusterResourcesFromAllNamespaces (bool, optional)

Allow configuration of cluster resources from any namespace. Mutually exclusive with ControlNamespace restriction of Cluster resources

Default: -

nodeAgents ([]*InlineNodeAgent, optional)

InlineNodeAgent Configuration Deprecated, will be removed with next major version

Default: -

enableRecreateWorkloadOnImmutableFieldChange (bool, optional)

EnableRecreateWorkloadOnImmutableFieldChange enables the operator to recreate the fluentbit daemonset and the fluentd statefulset (and possibly other resource in the future) in case there is a change in an immutable field that otherwise couldn’t be managed with a simple update.

Default: -


LoggingStatus defines the observed state of Logging

configCheckResults (map[string]bool, optional)

Default: -

problems ([]string, optional)

Default: -


Logging is the Schema for the loggings API

(metav1.TypeMeta, required)

Default: -

metadata (metav1.ObjectMeta, optional)

Default: -

spec (LoggingSpec, optional)

Default: -

status (LoggingStatus, optional)

Default: -


LoggingList contains a list of Logging

(metav1.TypeMeta, required)

Default: -

metadata (metav1.ListMeta, optional)

Default: -

items ([]Logging, required)

Default: -


DefaultFlowSpec is a Flow for logs that did not match any other Flow

filters ([]Filter, optional)

Default: -

outputRefs ([]string, optional)


Default: -

globalOutputRefs ([]string, optional)

Default: -

flowLabel (string, optional)

Default: -

includeLabelInRouter (*bool, optional)

Default: -