Flow and ClusterFlow

Flows route the selected log messages to the specified outputs. Depending on which log forwarder you use, you can use different filters and outputs, and have to configure different custom resources.

Fluentd flows

Flow defines a logging flow for Fluentd with filters and outputs.

The Flow is a namespaced resource, so only logs from the same namespaces are collected. You can specify match statements to select or exclude logs according to Kubernetes labels, container and host names. (Match statements are evaluated in the order they are defined and processed only until the first matching select or exclude rule applies.) For detailed examples on using the match statement, see log routing.

You can define one or more filters within a Flow. Filters can perform various actions on the logs, for example, add additional data, transform the logs, or parse values from the records. The filters in the flow are applied in the order in the definition. You can find the list of supported filters here.

At the end of the Flow, you can attach one or more outputs, which may also be Output or ClusterOutput resources.

Flow resources are namespaced, the selector only select Pod logs within namespace. ClusterFlow defines a Flow without namespace restrictions. It is also only effective in the controlNamespace. ClusterFlow selects logs from ALL namespace.

The following example transforms the log messages from the default namespace and sends them to an S3 output.

apiVersion: logging.banzaicloud.io/v1beta1
kind: Flow
  name: flow-sample
  namespace: default
    - parser:
        remove_key_name_field: true
          type: nginx
    - tag_normaliser:
        format: ${namespace_name}.${pod_name}.${container_name}
    - s3-output
    - select:
          app: nginx

Note: In a multi-cluster setup you cannot easily determine which cluster the logs come from. You can append your own labels to each log using the record modifier filter.

syslog-ng flows

SyslogNGFlow defines a logging flow for syslog-ng with filters and outputs.

syslog-ng is supported only in Logging operator 4.0 or newer.

The Flow is a namespaced resource, so only logs from the same namespaces are collected. You can specify match statements to select or exclude logs according to Kubernetes labels, container and host names. For detailed examples on using the match statement, see log routing with syslog-ng.

You can define one or more filters within a Flow. Filters can perform various actions on the logs, for example, add additional data, transform the logs, or parse values from the records. The filters in the flow are applied in the order in the definition. You can find the list of supported filters here.

At the end of the Flow, you can attach one or more outputs, which may also be Output or ClusterOutput resources.

SyslogNGFlow resources are namespaced, the selector only select Pod logs within namespace. SyslogNGClusterFlow defines a SyslogNGFlow without namespace restrictions. It is also only effective in the controlNamespace. SyslogNGClusterFlow selects logs from ALL namespace.

The following example selects only messages sent by the log-generator application and forwards them to a syslog output.

apiVersion: logging.banzaicloud.io/v1beta1
kind: SyslogNGFlow
  name: TestFlow
  namespace: default
    - regexp:
        value: json.kubernetes.labels.app.kubernetes.io/instance
        pattern: log-generator
        type: string
    - regexp:
        value:  json.kubernetes.labels.app.kubernetes.io/name
        pattern: log-generator
        type: string
    - syslog-output